Geometrics in Sound, Op. 29

Geometrics in Sound, Op. 29

Komponist: Martin Mailman

Schwierigkeitsgrad: 4,0

Dauer: 5,45 min


Verfügbar (Lieferzeit: 5-10 Tage*)
Preis ohne Steuer: 79,44€
Geometrics in Sound, Opus 29 is the second in Mailman’s series of concert band compositions exploring and developing musical motifs by use of frequent shifts in metric patterns and extensively varying the major themes. Dedicated upon it’s publication in 1964, the work was created with affection and gratitude to Herbert L. Carter, then the band director at East Carolina University. Second in a series of five original works exploring frequent shifts in metric patterns and extensively varying the major themes, it is composed without a key signature and is characterized with an exciting contemporary sound.
(Artikelnummer: 42432)
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