The Legend of Killarney

The Legend of Killarney

Komponist: Roland Barrett

Schwierigkeitsgrad: 2,0

Dauer: 2,30 min


Verfügbar (Lieferzeit: 5-10 Tage*)
Preis ohne Steuer: 57,94€
Located in the county of Kerry in southwest Ireland, this charismatic overture musically celebrates the rich history of Celtic music, dance, and folklore. Employing a variety of textures and timbres, every member of your band has an opportunity with the traditional-sounding Irish melodies while presenting generous opportunity for instruction with meters and balance. A sure winner!
(Artikelnummer: 47241)
*Gilt für Lieferungen nach Deutschland. Lieferzeiten für andere Länder und Informationen zur Berechnung des Liefertermins siehe hier.