In the Shadow of Napoleon (2 CDs)

In the Shadow of Napoleon (2 CDs)

Best Selections for Concert Band


Verfügbar (Lieferzeit: 5-10 Tage*)
Preis ohne Steuer: 18,45€

1.Imperial Overture
2.Second to None
5.Canzone di Francesco
6.Images of Bellac
7.Pandora's Box
8.Osakan Jubilee
9.In the Shadow of Napoleon
10.Atlantic Overture
11.Around The Globe: I. From the New World
12.Around The Globe
13.Around The Globe: II. Haydn Fantasy
14.Around The Globe: III. Rule Britannia
15.The Soldier & The Princess
16.River City
17.Arctic Challenge: 1. Barneo Base Camp
18.Arctic Challenge
19.Arctic Challenge: 2. Into the Snow
20.Arctic Challenge: 3. Dance around the Earth
21.The Gospel Mass: 2. Gloria
22.The Gospel Mass
23.The Gospel Mass: 4. Sanctus
24.Happy Deal
26.Mambo Americano
27.Over the Waves
28.The Victoria Peak
29.The Hanging Tree
30.All About That Bass
31.Bang Bang
32.Uptown Funk!
34.Livin' on a Prayer
35.Shake It Off

(Artikelnummer: 2650)
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