Swing's the Thing

Swing's the Thing

Arrangeur: Warren Barker

Schwierigkeitsgrad: 4,0

Dauer: 4,11 min


Verfügbar (Lieferzeit: 5-10 Tage*)
Preis ohne Steuer: 79,44€
Swing is back... with a vengeance! Get off your couch, lose that remote, and get down to the club for your swing dance lessons. A new generation has rediscovered the joys of the sound their parents grew up with. The genius of Warren Barker kicks into high gear with a big, bad medley featuring "Night Train," "I've Heard That Song Before," and "Don't Get Around Much Anymore." The coolest, man!
(Artikelnummer: 44663)
*Gilt für Lieferungen nach Deutschland. Lieferzeiten für andere Länder und Informationen zur Berechnung des Liefertermins siehe hier.