Concerto for Clarinet

Concerto for Clarinet

Komponist: Stéphane Kregar

Schwierigkeitsgrad: 4,0

Dauer: 19,50 min


Verfügbar (Lieferzeit: 5-10 Tage*)
Preis ohne Steuer: 196,17€

Aufnahme auf CD: Danze Pazze

Probepartitur Demoaufnahme anfordern (via E-Mail)
With his Concerto for Clarinet, the composer wanted to highlight the remarkable emotions that this instrument can elicit: from the dark and sensual sonorities of the low register to the incredibly sensitive sounds of the middle and the virtuosic qualities of the high register. But these emotions would not exist without the presence of the orchestra, whose role is not secondary, but rather an integral part of the soloist's discourse.
The first movement features a concitato style with rich harmony and orchestration. The most important characteristics of this first section, and also of the development of the cadenza, are the dialogue and the equal function of orchestra and soloist.
The second movement, more intimate and almost timid, features a very dark and somber atmosphere, which emotionally involves the listener.
The final movement emphasizes a dreamlike and tribal dimension before leading to an almost supernatural status dense with musical colors.

This clarinet concerto is the result of two passions: the sound of the instrument and the ensemble itself. Listeners will interpret the narrative elements of this work according to their own sensitivity. (Grad 4,5)
(Artikelnummer: 47528)
*Gilt für Lieferungen nach Deutschland. Lieferzeiten für andere Länder und Informationen zur Berechnung des Liefertermins siehe hier.