Magic Moon

Magic Moon

Solostück für Alt-Saxophon und Blasorchester

Komponist: Angelo Sormani

Schwierigkeitsgrad: 3,0

Dauer: 5,50 min


Verfügbar (Lieferzeit: 5-10 Tage*)
Preis ohne Steuer: 92,31€

Aufnahme auf CD: Magic Moon

Probeaufnahme (externer Link) Probepartitur
The piece begins with a stubborn and repetitive pattern, which becomes the generating cell of the entire composition. On top of this pattern, the soloist draws melodic lines loaded with lyricism, which sometimes feel suspended but which are always full of energy and intensity. The harmonic background is rather open-ended and seems to discreetly wink to jazz music, or at least at its "magical" influence.
(Artikelnummer: 52636)
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